5 Ways to Empower Children to be Explorers!

5 Ways to Empower Children to be Explorers!

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor, educator

Archaeodiscovery is all about inspiring curiosity and discovery. So here are five ways you, yourself, can empower your budding archaeologists to become explorers of the world around them. 

1. Let children play

Playing is fun!

There is room for structured and unstructured play in every child’s day. Structured play is scheduled activities organised by an adult, like swimming lessons. Unstructured play is spontaneous, often outdoors, and children led, like fort-building.


Structured play contributes to physical fitness, agility, and coordination. Unstructured play in natural spaces builds your child’s ability to be creative, curious, learn to take appropriate risk, and navigate team dynamics. Kids need both and at Archaeodiscovery we allow for both in our clubs and workshops.

2. Let curiosity lead

Explorers are curious. To inspire explorers, we need to motivate, encourage, fuel, and celebrate curiosity!

In our sessions when a child asks what something is, instead of telling them what it is straight away, we try asking a question back. We ask them what they notice about its colours and patterns. What do they think it might have been used for.

Why not try this type of interaction at home to encourage observation and allow children to draw their own conclusions. In supporting their curiosity in this way, you are building a confident young explorer.

3. Model wonder

How to build an explorer you say? Be one!

By modelling exploration, your children will follow your lead.

Build sandcastles, dig holes, follow an ant to its home, get on your belly and watch the world through a magnifying glass. In our sessions we use natural materials, real and replica finds to inspire awe and get imaginations flowing.

4. Discovery activities

Getting out on an archaeological dig isn't always easy. But there are plenty of other ways to foster discovery. There are plenty of activities that will allow you to actively explore and connect with nature in fun, memorable ways.

Some of our favourites include beachcombing, nature scavenger hunts, hide and seek and foraging. Remember to always respect your environment and follow the rules of the site you are exploring.

If you're looking for a bit more support, then why not book in on one of our hands on guided tours to give you the confidence to go out and explore! 

5. Get outside

The outdoors is our playground.

Being in nature is enough.

A child in nature will explore, and the benefits are endless.

Let’s all head outdoors together and become explorers!

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