Hale Farm Dig

Whatever your age become an archaeologist for the day at the beautiful and historic site of Hale Farm.
We have teamed up with Hale Farm Campsite to offer campers and the community a chance to experience a real-life dig and unlock thousands of years of history!
Hale Farm dates back to the medieval period, with a C15th timber-framed farmhouse and lots of evidence of ancient iron working in the area.
So, grab a trowel, jump in the trench and help us unearth the mysteries of this Sussex farmstead. Our friendly team of professional archaeologists will
be there to guide your search for evidence every step of the way.
Everyone is welcome regardless of experience and all training and tools will be provided.
You'll learn how to dig, metal detect, identify ancient and experience what it’s really like to be an archaeologist.
Available options:
This summer join us for a morning or afternoon in the trench! Whatever your age learn excavation and recording techniques on a proper archaeological dig at the historic site of Hale Farm
Duration: c. 2 hours
- £20 per person.
Easter Dig School
Archaeodiscovery will run four archaeology day schools for children aged 7-12 yrs.
Work with experienced, professional archaeologists: DIGGING, MAKING and DOING
Duration: c. 5 hours
- £55 per person.
Summer Dig School
Stay tuned for summer holiday dates when Archaeodiscovery will run archaeology day schools for children aged 7-12 yrs.
Work with experienced, professional archaeologists: DIGGING, MAKING and DOING
Duration: c. 5 hours
- £55 per person.
Get in touch
Get in touch to discuss any enquiries about the Hale Farm Dig